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Burrenbeo Trust

At our school, we recently had the privilege of hosting a special visitor from Burrenbeo Trust, who shared a wealth of knowledge about place, geology, archaeology, and people.

Burrenbeo Trust is a renowned non-profit organization based in County Clare, Ireland, dedicated to promoting the appreciation and conservation of the unique Burren landscape.

Our students began the journey by delving into the concept of "place." They learned how the Burren is not just a location but a deeply interconnected environment where every stone, plant, and creature plays a vital role in the ecosystem. Understanding place was the first step toward appreciating the profound connections between nature and humanity.

Next, the children were introduced to the geological wonders of the Burren, a landscape shaped by time and forces beyond imagination. They touched, examined, and learned about the unique limestone, sandstone, granite and shale that defines the region.

Archaeology took centre stage as our students were transported back in time to explore the ancient history of the Burren. Karen shared stories of the people who once thrived in this remarkable landscape, leaving behind stone forts, wedge tombs, and other historical treasures. The concept of heritage came alive as the children contemplated the lives of those who walked these lands centuries ago.

We are now more aware of the importance of conservation, the value of heritage, and the significance of the environment in their lives.


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