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Showing posts from December, 2023

Book Club

In our school's book club is like a big, happy adventure with friends and stories! We all come together to talk about cool books and share what we think. It's not just about reading by ourselves; it's about enjoying stories together and having lots of fun. We laugh, get surprised, and cheer for our favourite parts as a group. The book club helps us love reading more, and we even get to be creative by drawing, writing, or discussing our favourite scenes. It's not just about the stories; it's about how we think and feel about them. And guess what? It's a break from screens, giving us time to enjoy real books and make awesome memories that we'll remember for a long, long time! 📚✨

Our Christmas Play

Fourth Class performed a fantastic play called Cinderella Rockerfella for Christmas. The children played Cinderella, Prince Charming, and others, making it very exciting to watch. Everyone worked hard behind the scenes, making costumes and setting up the stage. The children did a great job, and it was really exciting. The play made Christmas feel even more special. We can't wait for the next one! 🌟

Anthony Garvey's Christmas Short Story Writing Workshop

Award winning presenter and children's author, Anthony Garvey presented a creative writing workshop on December 5 th for the children in Third and Fourth Class. The children were encouraged to put together an original, festive, imaginative one-page story based on the tips and advice they received. We had great fun and lots of inspiration from Anthony for our stories.