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Showing posts from March, 2022

Seashore Safari

Fun in the Sun  The children had a fantastic day on their Explorers Seashore Safari. It was an amazing field-trip to the seashore, where the children learnt about marine animals, seaweeds and environmental care. Big thank you to Rory, a marine biologist who helped us uncover some of the secrets of the creatures living on Grattan Beach in Salthill!      Our Findings     Research before our  Field-trip

Happy Mother's Day

Everyone in Third and Fourth Class took an enormous amount of pride ensuring that their Mother's Day card resulted in a perfect creation. The effort was admirable! I hope all our Mothers enjoyed their cards and cherish them for many years to come! 

Lá Fhéile Pádraig sona daoibh! Tá an tEarrach Linn!

Beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig oraibh go léir. Wishing all our pupils, families and staff an enjoyable St. Patrick's Day. Below are some of the highlights from our Seachtain na Gaeilge!  Mo Leabhar Gaeilge - Bí ag scríobh Gaeilge! Club Bricfeasta - Bí ag labhairt Gaeilge! Drámaí as Gaeilge Comortás Seanfhocail - Bí ag tarraingt pictiúr  agus ag dathú! Lá Glas - Bí ag damhsa!