Third and Fourth Class 2020-2021
Only in Ardrahan would you get a cake made in the shape of a sliotar!! Thanks so much to Carol from 'Carol's Cakes' for sending in the delicious chocolate biscuit and malteser cake! We (reluctantly!) divided it up and shared it while watching our movie on the last day of school! Have a great summer, everyone!!
3rd and 4th class recently participated in a 'Fighting Words' workshop and we composed a story with the help of the team at Fighting Words Galway. We worked with a team who facilitated the children via a live Zoom workshop and we completed our story afterwards. We even had an illustrator to help!
We really enjoyed working with visiting artist Ana Messner on a collaborative painting project as part of our Creative Schools work this year!
We had great fun on the bouncy castle on Sports Day! Check out the 'Sports Day 2021' tab on the blog homepage to see more great photos from the day!
3rd and 4th Class recently participated in our Summer Handwriting Competition. Well done to Oscar in 3rd class and to Tomás in 4th class for being the class winners!
We are doing a Heritage Schools workshop this week. We have been learning about trees and plants in preparation. Here are some of our drawings.
We designed our own obstacle course for PE this week!
We enjoyed drawing our Spring flowers
Do you like our Coral Reefs?! We enjoyed drawing them!
We had a super Book Fair Week!! We ordered loads of great books in our class!
April Showers Art!!
We designed our own Easter cards this year!
Third and Fourth Classes did some lovely Spring writing in Gaeilge called 'An tEarrach'
We had a great Science Week in 3rd and 4th Class! We did experiments every day in class, we watched fun experiments online, did our own experiments at home and even had an art competition with a Science theme! Here are some photos of us doing our experiments on the different days and the group photo is of our prize winners after the week. Well done to everyone for taking part so enthusiastically and for working on experiments at home in the evenings also!
Here are our lovely designs!
As it is the month of November, we take time to remember those people in our lives who are sadly no longer with us. We took time to chat about people who loved us and people who we love and continue to love after they have passed away. Everyone got to design and decorate a memorial candle to represent the people who are dearest to us who are in heaven.
We enjoyed our last day of term today! We all dressed up and brought in treats and had fun!
Wishing everyone a SPOOOKY HALLOWE'EN from everybody in 3rd and 4th Class, and of course our pumpkin mascot; Patch! Jackson grew Patch in his own garden! Well done, Jackson!
Welcome to the 3rd and 4th Class blogspot! We have been very busy since returning to school. We have settled into our classroom and have been working on some nice Artwork to decorate it! Check out our class rainbow that everyone contributed to, we are very proud of our work!
We also recently designed our own skylines and cityscapes after looking at pictures and videos of some famous ones around the world. Zoom in for a better look!
We have been busy preparing for Hallowe'en also. We got into pairs and worked together to compose our own Hallowe'en poems.
Last week was Maths Week and here are some photos of our activities. We took part in live video chats on Maths TV, we did Maths Trails, 2-D Shape Art, solved a 'Problem of the Day' and played Bingo!
Young Authors
We are so proud of our completed books. We enjoyed writing our stories and look forward to sharing them with children in other schools.
Using paper, we designed bridges from a piece of paper and tested their strength .
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This week we used our Lego We Do kits to build and programme spy robots, cooling fans, glowing snails and we had fun building and programming Milo the Science Rover. We explored different ways scientists and engineers reach remote places. Working in teams we had to follow instructions and bring our robots to life.
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We had great fun working with BeeBots. We learned to programme our BeeBots and we used our mapping skills to plan routes. We also had fun completing tasks using the BeeeBot app on our iPads.
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We have been learning our tables in a fun way on the iPads. We enjoy using the Hit the Button app to improve our speed and accuracy at our multiplication tables.
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During Science Week in our school we enjoyed the Knex roadshow. We had fun designeing and making our own machines.
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For the month of November we remember in a special way people we loved who have died. We put their names on our Tree of Remembrance and we remember them in our prayers every day.
In Second and Third Class we have just completed six weeks of Literacy Lift Off. We really enjoyed working at all the stations- New Reading , Familiar Reading, Phonics, Dictionary work/Comprehension, Free Writing and Grammar. When we finished we got to choose our favourite book and write about it. We also designed new covers for our chosen book.
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In art this week, we used line to create detail and texture in our Night Owl pictures with some amazing results.
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We have been learning about buildings in our locality and we had fun being architects, designing and making houses using our new Lego sets.
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In Second and Third Class we are all very busy doing our Reading. We log on to our Read Theory accounts and enjoy reading passages at our own level and answering comprehension questions. We can earn points and move up levels.We can easily track our progress. We really enjoy our reading.
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June 2019
Children from Third and Fourth Classes enjoyed a visit from Project Baa BAA celebrating the cultural, economic and environmental contribution of sheep farming and associated traditions in Ireland . We learned how wool is spun using a drop spindle, how to weave cardboard looms, how to make yoghurt and ice- cream and we enjoyed a sheep dog demo . We also had a story from visiting author Suzanna Crampton.
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Do you recognise anyone? We had fun doing split portraits in art with some amazing results.
Engineers week!
For engineers week we designed and constructed bridges, boats and rockets. We tested our designs before making the necessary adjustments to improve the final model. Have a look at our designs!
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We had great fun doing Sportshall Athletics with Josephine.
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We made keynote presentations on Irish Wildlife using our new iPads.
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MathsWeek 2018
We discovered maths all around us in the environment with our Maths Eyes
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We learned all about the Stone Age and made our own pottery.
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Sports Day 2018 !! Lots of fun and games finished off with an ice cream for everyone thanks to Jacqui Mullins!

Brendan Smith from NUIG came to our class to do coding with us.

Our artwork this week was based on our novel The Twits by Roald Dahl.
We all took part in the Write a Book project. We created some wonderful stories. We enjoyed being authors and illustrators
We used station teaching to learn all about fractions. We now call them our friends the fractions!!
Today we investigated magnetic patterns. Using iron filings and bar magnets we learned about magnetic fields.
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We had a great day when Liam McCarthy came to visit.
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We made bird feeders and filled them with birdseed. We can identify birds that come to our feeders during the winter months.
Ready to go! Some of the girls and boys help to load all 86 Christmas boxes for delivery to children who are not as fortunate as ourselves. Sincere thanks to everyone who donated boxes,
This week we welcomed Scientist Jane McLoughlin to our school . The children really enjoyed her visit. Jane helped the children launch a rocket and we counted down and watched it take off!
We designed boats to float and carry passengers.
We made slime from cornflour and we learned about solid and liquid states of matter.
We took fingerprints .
We explored weights and gravity to make our can roll up the ramp!
We made hovercrafts and had fun watching them move.
We learned about surface tension and how it makes things float.
We made whistles from straws and had fun making music!
Maths week 2017
We used our maths eyes to see maths all around us in the environment.
We made our promises for Lent.
February 2017
As part of our readathon, the children from third and fourth classes were paired with children from the infant classes. We enjoyed listening to their reading and chatting with them about their stories.
We are so proud of our beautiful books. After a lot of hard work we are delighted with our books. We really enjoyed becoming authors and illustrators. We also got to read our stories to our friends in the infant classes.
December 2016
We enjoyed our carol service in the church. Thanks to all the parents,grandparents and friends who attended.

November 2016
We took part in the K'nex workshop as part of science week. We are now K'nexperts! Take a look at some of our creations. We made windmills, cars, lawnmowers and much more!
We even had a race with our motorised cars!
Maths Week
We went outside and had great fun doing maths trails.We also enjoyed maths games in the classroom.
We had great fun in Baysports, Athlone on our senior school tour.
Some of our lovely artwork for the Community Games Art Competition. Congratulations to all the prizewinners.
We planted our acorns and hope to have oak trees one day!
We took part in the Write A Book project. We enjoyed writing and editing our stories. Congratulations to all the budding authors.
We were proud to share our stories with our buddies from Junior and Senior Infants.
Scenes from our Christmas play 17th December 2015
We became scientists during science week and had so much fun. We had a visit from Cell Explorers and learned all about DNA. We also had lots of fun doing experiments during the week.
We braved the elements and had a great morning at a go games blitz with our friends from Ballyglass and Kiltiernan.
We had a visit from members of Gort Fire Brigade. They taught us all about fire safety and they gave us all lovely activity packs
Look who got their pen licences. Now we need to make sure we get no penalty points!!

Happy Halloween from all the monsters in 3rd and 4th!!
We celebrated maths week and had lots of fun doing our maths trails outdoors. We counted, measured, calculated , estimated and most of all we had fun with maths!!!
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